REVO Pro-1
Premade Pouch Fill & Seal Machine
Engineered and Patented by DolcePack.
REVO Pro-1 provides an effortless and user-friendly experience for operators, thanks to its streamlined and intuitive design. The system features a swift and hassle-free setup process, along with an automated changeover system for a wide range of pouch sizes. Furthermore, it is available in both dry and liquid product configurations, making it a versatile solution for a multitude of packaging needs.
Pouch Types
Pouch formats that can be filled with REVO Pro-1 machines.
Served Industries
There is a growing market trend to have flexible and sustainable packages in the food/non-food market. The pre-made pouch allows for optimized distribution, cost savings, increased SKUs, low volume runs and quick change-overs for diversified products.
In the event that your product is not included in our current offerings, we welcome you to contact us for a consultation as we remain in constant development of our machine series.